Interdisciplinary and holistic: Mechatronics
Automotive and mechanical engineering along with the electrical branch have long formed
the traditional industrial triumvirate of the Stuttgart region. Nowadays the development is
characterised by intensified integration and miniaturisation of mechanical and electronic
elements. The modern field of mechatronics has a cross-functional and synergetic effect
on mechanical engineering, electrotechnology and information technology. The Stuttgart
region provides a broad spectrum of commercial sub-areas. These include medical technology,
measuring and navigation technology, the production of electrical equipment for
engines and vehicles, chip production, the manufacture of information and telecommunication
technology hardware as well as the production of electric cables and electricity
distribution facilities.
Family companies from the region around Stuttgart have sometimes been ahead of their
time and have developed trailblazing control systems. As early as 1970 the standard for a
storage-programmable system was developed here, which later prevailed as the international
Control technology is a strong motor for innovation. Engineers are continuously working
on advances in information processing systems within machinery. These include sensors,
systems for signal processing and micromachining. The development of miniaturised electronic
components is being researched intensively. The future belongs to so-called intelligent
machinery which analyses the environment with sensors and automatically adjusts
to changes. Independent controls within machinery must accordingly communicate with
each other. As an important Linux centre, Stuttgart is connected throughout Europe to all
important economic centres via a Datex-M high-speed network.
The Stuttgart region is one of the leading German IT locations and has the highest number
of employees in this high-tech sector in all of Europe.

Service robot Justin of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) can shake hands and assist astronauts in outer space