FLUX – leading the world in barrel pump technology

In 1950, the design of the world’s first electric barrel pump in Stuttgart marked the beginning of another success story for a Swabian company, the present FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH. A lot of passionate energy and engineering skill was invested in what was considered impossible at the time, namely that of successfully combining electrical engineering and pump technology.

Even the first FLUX barrel pumps were capable of delivering both neutral and aggressive liquids. Pumping inflammable liquids and the huge safety risk this entailed, on the other hand, was regarded as a practically insurmountable challenge. Yet, in this case, too, the FLUX engineers came up with a solution. In 1953 they achieved a breakthrough in the development of the first explosion-proved barrel pump.

From the beginning, meeting customers’ individual needs has been a constant priority and FLUX has continued with this challenge. As early as 1987 the patent for a new barrel pump, the so-called F 425, was filed. With an emptying capacity of 99.98 %, this FLUX pump was extremely resource-friendly – a development rooted in the future.

In 1997 FLUX launched on the market the world’s first explosion-protected commutator motor which complied with the stringent ATEX safety standard, for use in potentially explo-sive areas and for delivering highly inflammable liquids. In 2003 FLUX extended its range of explosion-proved motors by the world’s first brushless barrel pump motor, the FBM 4000 Ex, which is also practically wear-free.

The takeover of SONDERMANN PUMPEN + FILTER GMBH & Co. KG in 2005 saw FLUX extend its fields of expertise to include magnetically coupled centrifugal pumps and filters.

Fulfilling customers’ individual needs remains the owner-managed company’s highest goal. With an international reputation for outstanding product quality, FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH today supplies pumps to a wide range of industrial sectors in around 100 countries around the globe.

flux firmenkomplex gross

flux herbert und klaus hahn klein

Herbert Hahn, co-founder and Klaus Hahn, managing partner of FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH

flux pumpenset f425 klein

Exceptionally resource-friendly, barrel pump F 425 in its present-day form

flux fmc mit fluxtronic klein

FLUXTRONIC for user-friendly flow metering with PLC-compatible signal transmission


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