Burgeoning sector of industry

In comparison with other highly urbanised German regions, the consultancy industry has a disproportionately high significance for the Stuttgart region in terms of overall employment. The consultancy industry breaks down into auditing, tax advice, administrative, legal and management consulting, PR and corporate consultancy and personnel advice. Thanks to the outstanding economic and innovative power of the Stuttgart region, the demand for consultancy is steadily on the rise, with patent lawyers making an increasingly important contribution to boosting the dynamics of innovation. In a complex environment they are responsible for bringing together the technical and legally feasible. Consultancy firms appreciate local factors, which are also of decisive importance for their own recruitment needs. They are the key basis of success for this knowledge-driven industry. The many universities, the Stuttgart region’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) with its district chambers, the region’s economic develop­ment departments, and also other institutions like the Steinbeis Foundation provide no small amount of synergy-enhancing consultancy services to promote business.

It will become increasingly difficult for companies to recruit suitable management personnel. The challenge lies in finding top managers for companies who not only match up to the remit but also fit in with the corporate culture and team. Executive search companies based in Stuttgart fill management positions in Germany and the world. Many of the consultancy firms sited in the region are global players, preferably with offices close to their customers. The necessary know-how often comes from Stuttgart. Emergent core consultancy areas in the future include healthcare, process optimisation, risk management and IT.

haus der wirtschaft

Haus der Wirtschaft Baden-Wuerttemberg


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Haus der Wirtschaft, more than just a meeting place – a central venue for all kinds of events: seminars, symposia, business congresses or award ceremonies

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