200 km/h on the test bench

The DLR roll test bench is unique in Europe. At the independent certification centre for conventional and innovative drive concepts, researchers, car manufacturers and suppliers can test their vehicles and components according to the certification authority (TÜV) guidelines and have them designated with the corresponding seal of approval.
The test bench is also equipped with a unique feature specially geared to hydrogen-driven vehicles which permits automated gravimetrical hydrogen consumption metering.
The test bench’s versatile functions are also unique. The special safety concept which includes explosion protection enables the testing of hydrogenand natural-gas-powered vehicles. The system is designed for four-wheel drives and permits a differentiated exhaust analysis. Test probands can be supplied with liquid or gaseous fuel. Constant temperatures of minus 25 degrees Celsius up to plus 50 degrees Celsius and speeds of up to 200 km / h are no problem either.
A speed-controlled air flow system is also featured which can be used, for instance, to examine vehicle heat management.
The DLR test bench can thus simulate driving conditions for front, rear and four-wheel concepts or hybrid vehicles, replicating those found on mountain passes or in city traffic.

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The air-conditioned four-wheel roll test bench at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)

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